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AllPlay Dance kicks off with a special performance by children with cerebral palsy

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The AllPlay online dance resources to support inclusion in dance for kids with disabilities was officially launched on Sunday, 7 October 2018 by Deakin Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander AO, who praised the initiative for working so closely with the community.

“AllPlay Dance is a game changer for kids with disabilities,” she said. “AllPlay Dance is translating evidence-based science into practical outcomes; we actually do the work, find the evidence, test the evidence, and then it is applied with practical outcomes that will make a difference in the lives of all young people.”

The event featured a performance by children with cerebral palsy together with a group of elite dancers who served as buddies for each child. The performance showed the beauty of dance truly comes in all forms – where leaping dancers spun alongside dancers using wheelchairs; and swaying ballerinas collaborated perfectly with dancers using mobility aids in a seamless display of grace and expression.

To top off the show, Queensland Ballet artistic director, Li Cunxin, led the elite students in a unique masterclass. “We firmly believe in the power ballet has to create positive change, provide opportunity and bring people together,” said Li.